Tags are a fun way to express yourself and let people know who you are. You can wear them on almost any part of your body, but they are most popular around the neck. They look great with anything you wear or carry keychains, purses, bags, and even earrings. People use tags as keychains and sometimes sell them as such. Tags Are Trendy in the Fashion Industry Dog tag cross are trendy in the fashion industry and have become a part of everyone's wardrobe. The tags are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with many designers producing limited edition collections only available by purchasing a tag necklace. The appeal of wearing tags lies in allowing you to express your personality through what you wear. You can show off your style, beliefs, and interests on a necklace or bracelet and ensure that no one else has anything like it. Use Them as an Opportunity to Share Some people like to wear engraved military dog tags due to their fashion statement; some wear them to d...