Life is uncertain. Life is a journey between Birth and Death. In the journey of your life, you will develop some named and some unnamed relationships. It is also ironic to find that the relationship is subject to meeting and parting. Meeting, shaping and building relationship is always pleasurable to you. But, on the other side of the flip parting is throbbing incident for you. In the journey of your life temporary parting from your close one is painful but tolerable. But, permanent parting from your soul one is ever throbbing. You must be trying to store something of your lost dear one, to feel their company forever. Preserving ashes of the lost dear has been one of the never perishable cultural practices for us. If you wish to preserve some ashes of your lost dear one and realize his/her company in the thick-thin of your life, you take the advantages of necklace for ashes . Concerning your emotion and agony on the demise of your soul one, the page intends to assist you to find ...